Top 10 must-see places to visit in Bolivia

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Bolivia, a country in the heart of South America, offers a unique diversity of landscapes and cultures that make it an unforgettable travel destination. From the impressive salt flats of Uyuni to the rich history of La Paz, Bolivia is a place that deserves to be explored in depth. In this article, we will discover the 10 must-see places to visit in Bolivia, offering a detailed guide to make your trip unforgettable.

1. Uyuni Salt Flat

What is the Salar de Uyuni?

The Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt desert in the world, located in southwestern Bolivia. With an extension of more than 10,000 square kilometers, this impressive place was formed from the evaporation of ancient prehistoric lakes.

How to get to the Uyuni Salt Flat

To get to the Salar de Uyuni, you can fly to the city of Uyuni from La Paz or take a bus from different Bolivian cities. It is also possible to arrive by train from Oruro.

Activities in the Uyuni Salt Flat

4×4 Tours: The best way to explore the Salar is aboard a 4×4 vehicle. Tours usually include visits to Incahuasi Island, famous for its giant cacti, and to the water eyes, where you can observe the phenomenon of salt extraction.
Photography: The Salar de Uyuni is a photographer’s paradise, especially during the rainy season (December to March), when the salt surface becomes a giant mirror reflecting the sky.

Tips for visiting the Uyuni Salt Flat

Wear warm clothes, as temperatures can be very low, especially at night. It is also important to bring sunscreen and sunglasses to protect yourself from the strong reflection of light on the salt.

2. La Paz

The highest capital city in the world

La Paz is the administrative capital of Bolivia and is known for being the highest capital city in the world, located more than 3,600 meters above sea level.

Landmarks in La Paz

  • Plaza Murillo: It is the heart of La Paz and houses the Presidential Palace and the Metropolitan Cathedral.
  • Jaén Street: One of the most historic and picturesque streets of La Paz, famous for its museums and colonial buildings.
  • El Mercado de las Brujas: A unique market where you can find traditional products and amulets used in traditional Andean medicine.

La Paz Cable Car

The La Paz cable car system is the longest and highest in the world. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city and is a fast and efficient way to get around.

Gastronomy in La Paz

You can’t miss typical dishes such as the salteña, an empanada stuffed with meat and vegetables, and api con pastel, a hot drink made from purple corn accompanied by a fried cake.

3. Lake Titicaca and the Island of the Sun

The highest navigable lake in the world

Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world and is located on the border between Bolivia and Peru. This sacred lake is famous for its beauty and cultural importance.

Sun Island

Isla del Sol is one of the largest islands in Lake Titicaca and is known for its Inca ruins and breathtaking views.

How to get to Isla del Sol
From the city of Copacabana, you can take a boat to Isla del Sol. The trip takes about an hour and a half.

What to see in Isla del Sol

Temple of the Sun: An ancient Inca temple dedicated to the god Inti.
Stairway of the Inca and Fountain of the Inca: A set of stairs and a fountain that, according to legend, has healing properties.

Tips for visiting Lake Titicaca

Wear comfortable and warm clothes, as temperatures can vary. Also, make sure you are well hydrated and acclimatize to the altitude before engaging in intense physical activities.

4. Sucre

The white city of Bolivia

Sucre, also known as “The White City”, is the constitutional capital of Bolivia and is famous for its well-preserved colonial architecture and pleasant climate.

Attractions in Sucre

  • Casa de la Libertad: Where Bolivia’s Act of Independence was signed.
  • Cretaceous Park: A park that houses dinosaur footprints in an excellent state of preservation.
  • La Recoleta Monastery: A monastery with panoramic views of the city.
    Gastronomy in Sucre
    Sucre is known for its culinary delights such as chorizos chuquisaqueños and Santa Clara empanadas. Don’t forget to try the handmade chocolate, a specialty of the region.

5. Potosi and the Cerro Rico Mine

The city of silver

Potosi was one of the richest cities in the world in the 16th century thanks to the silver mines of Cerro Rico.

Visit to the Cerro Rico Mine

Visiting the mines of Cerro Rico is a unique experience that allows you to get a close look at the hard life of the miners.

What to expect on the mine tour

During the visit, you will be able to explore the mine tunnels and learn about the silver extraction process. It is advisable to go with a local guide for a safer and more enriching experience.

Other places of interest in Potosí

Casa de la Moneda: A museum that shows the history of coin minting in Potosí.
Catedral de Potosí: An impressive cathedral located in the Plaza 10 de Noviembre.

Tips for visiting Potosí

Due to the altitude (4,090 meters), it is important to acclimatize before physical activities. Wear warm clothes, as temperatures can be low.

6. Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Bolivia’s largest city

Santa Cruz de la Sierra is the largest and most modern city in Bolivia. It is the main economic center of the country and offers a mix of urban culture and nature.

Attractions in Santa Cruz de la Sierra

  • Plaza 24 de Septiembre: The heart of the city, surrounded by cafes, restaurants and the Metropolitan Cathedral.
  • Biocentro Güembé: An ecological complex with butterfly gardens, aviaries and natural pools.
  • Amboró National Park: A park with incredible biodiversity, ideal for ecotourism.

Gastronomy in Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Santa Cruz is known for its diverse cuisine. Don’t miss the tamales, arepas and majadito, a dish based on rice and meat.

7. Madidi National Park

One of the most biodiverse parks in the world

Madidi National Park is one of the most biodiverse national parks on the planet, located in the Amazon region of Bolivia.

Fauna and flora in Madidi

Madidi is home to a wide variety of species, including jaguars, pumas, tapirs, monkeys and a diversity of birds and plants.

Activities in Madidi National Park

Hiking: Explore the park’s trails with the help of local guides who will show you the rich biodiversity of the region.
Wildlife watching: Madidi is an ideal place to observe birds and other wildlife.
Tips for visiting Madidi National Park
Bring insect repellent, light clothing and neutral colors so as not to scare the animals. It is also advisable to hire local guides for a safer and more educational experience.

8. Cochabamba

The city of eternal spring

Cochabamba is known for its pleasant year-round climate and its role as Bolivia’s agricultural and commercial center.

Places of interest in Cochabamba

  • Cristo de la Concordia: A monumental statue of Christ that offers panoramic views of the city.
  • Mercado La Cancha: One of the largest markets in Bolivia, where you can find everything from fresh food to handicrafts.

Gastronomy in Cochabamba

Cochabamba is famous for its food, especially silpanchos, a dish based on meat, rice, yucca and fried plantain. Don’t miss the salteñas, empanadas stuffed with meat and vegetables.

9. Tarija

Bolivia’s wine region

Tarija is known for its vineyards and wine production. It is the perfect place for wine and food lovers.

What to do in Tarija

  • Wine Route: Visit local wineries and taste some of Bolivia’s best wines.
  • Valle de la Concepción: A picturesque valley ideal for walks and picnics.

Gastronomy in Tarija

Tarija offers a variety of traditional dishes such as chancho a la cruz and saice, a minced meat stew. Accompany your meal with a good wine from the region.

10. Oruro and its Carnival

The capital of Bolivian folklore

Oruro is famous for its Carnival, a celebration declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

The Carnival of Oruro

The Oruro Carnival is one of the most important festivities in Bolivia. It is celebrated in February and features an impressive mix of dances, music and indigenous traditions.

Dances and costumes

The carnival includes traditional dances such as the Diablada, the Morenada and the Caporales. The costumes are colorful and elaborately detailed.

Other places of interest in Oruro

  • Santuario del Socavón: An important place of pilgrimage.
  • Ethnographic Museum of Oruro: A museum that shows the rich culture and traditions of the region.

Tips for visiting Oruro during Carnival

Book your accommodation in advance, as the carnival attracts many visitors. Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to enjoy long days of celebration.


Bolivia is a country full of natural and cultural wonders that offer a unique experience for every visitor. From the majestic landscapes of the Salar de Uyuni to the vibrant city life of La Paz, there is something for everyone. We hope this guide to the top 10 must-see places to visit in Bolivia has inspired you to explore this beautiful country and discover all the gems it has to offer.


What is the best time of year to visit Bolivia?

The best time to visit Bolivia is during the dry season, from May to October, when the weather is more stable and conditions are ideal for exploring.

Do I need to adapt to the altitude in Bolivia?

Yes, Bolivia has many high altitude regions, such as La Paz and Potosi. It is important to acclimatize slowly to avoid altitude sickness.

Is it safe to travel to Bolivia?

Bolivia is generally safe for tourists, but it is important to take basic precautions, such as not showing valuables in public and being aware of your belongings.

What currency is used in Bolivia?

The official currency in Bolivia is the Boliviano (BOB). It is advisable to carry cash, especially in rural areas where it may be difficult to find ATMs.

What should I pack for a trip to Bolivia?.

Bring comfortable clothes suitable for different climates, sunscreen, insect repellent and basic medicines. It is also useful to bring a reusable water bottle and snacks for long trips.

I hope you enjoy your trip to Bolivia and that this article has provided you with all the information you need to plan an unforgettable adventure. Happy travels!

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